
Who are We?

Project WeLead

Team Members

Sin Wei Chuen
 Ervin Wee Jing Rong
 Yeo Meng Han
 Marc Buditjahjono

of Class 2O1 2015 Hwa Chong Institution

Our Objective

We aim to make Council training more fun, guiding new councilors with leadership skills.

Our Target Audience

Sec 1-4 Councillors & Councillors-in-training

Our Product

We will be providing a game book as an interesting means to learn leadership and resources ranging from summaries of classic leadership books to content knowledge on event planning and proposal writing.

Learn Leadership Through Our Gamebook


Question SA A D SD
There is currently sufficient leadership training provided by Ortus Council. 7% 43% 36% 14%
Council training is progressive. 36% 7% 43% 14%
I apply what I learn from council training in everyday life. 36% 43% 7% 14%
I will learn more from a progressive learning resource package specially targeted for council compared to leadership training provided by external vendors. 43% 36% 14% 7%
I was taught in detail on how to write an event proposal. 21% 36% 36% 7%
I know how to adapt to last-minute situations to ensure smooth running of event. 21% 57% 7% 14%
I know how to make decision in situations of great adversity. 7% 86% 0% 7%
I can recall the 7 Habits of the Effective People. 7% 14% 36% 43%
I apply 7 Habits of the Effective People in everyday life. 0% 21% 43% 36%
I make a conscious attempt to improve myself as a leader through reading. 21% 43% 36% 0%
Learning leadership through a game book will engage me. 29% 29% 43% 0%
Area of Concern
Potential Opportunities for our Project
Potential Challenges for our Project
Question SA A D SD
The game book is engaging. 46% 54% 0% 0%
The game book has comprehensive content. 46% 46% 8% 0%
I understand the importance of making the right decision after playing the game book. 31% 69% 0% 0%
Scenarios of the game book are set to the right difficulty. 15% 77% 8% 0%
The game book applies the leadership theories in a realistic setting. 38% 38% 23% 0%
The number of topics covered in the module is sufficient. 54% 46% 0% 0%
I can apply what I have learnt from the module. 15% 77% 8% 0%
The platform (website, book) used for learning is appropriate. 31% 69% 0% 0%
The topics are relevant to my leadership development. 23% 46% 31% 0%
Area of Concern
Support for our Project

SA- Strongly Agree
A- Agree
D- Disagree
SD- Strongly Disagree


Methodology & Review

Literature Review: Why Gamebook?
